Who is a cross-border worker?
A cross-border worker is a worker who works and is insured in a European Union country that is not their country of residence. In principle, they go back to their country of residence every day or at least once a week (temporary criterion).
n that case, the country responsible for their healthcare is the country in which they work.
The CNS covers all the care given in Luxembourg, including to dependents of cross-border workers.
C’est votre employeur qui, dans les 8 jours de votre entrée, vous inscrit auprès du Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale.
Your employer is responsible for registering you with the common social security centre within 8 days of your joining.
Then you will be given a social security number. That will mean that you are covered as the main insured party and you can obtain healthcare services in Luxembourg.
What are the rights of cross-border workers?
Cross-border workers enjoy the same healthcare rights as Luxembourg residents.or healthcare in Luxembourg, you only have to show your social security card (CNS). A patient who is a cross-border worker is managed and cared for like a Luxembourg resident.
In order to benefit from these advantages, prescription from a foreign or Luxembourg physician is required. Pathology tests covered by the CNS do not require any expense advance (expense advance service).
You are entitled to the same healthcare services
in Luxembourg as residents
What about your family?
Tips for joint insurance
In order to secure joint insurance for your family, depending on your family situation, here are some practical tips:
Contact the CNS at the following number (+352) 27 571 to inform them of your wish to apply for coverage for one or more members of your family (children and/or spouse or partner) as joint insured. You will need to explain your family situation and indicate your country of residence. You will thus be informed about how to apply.
Depending on the information provided by the CNS, you will need to contact the healthcare insurance of your country of residence to inform them of the members of your family you wish to designate as joint insured with the CNS.
The healthcare insurance of the country of residence will send the CNS a certificate showing that the members of the family are covered with the insured individual who is now affiliated with healthcare insurance in Luxembourg.It will also file an electronic request for affiliation in Luxembourg. The CNS will then affiliate the individual or individuals upon receipt of all the information and documents.
If you are already affiliated with the CNS and your situation changes (marriage, civil union, birth of a child), remember to report that to the healthcare insurance of your country of residence, which will send all the information and forms required to the CNS.
Most of our laboratories are open every day from 6 pm, and on Saturday mornings.
Some are even open in the afternoon from Monday to Friday.
We can come to your workplace with our punctual and free mobile PICKEN DOHEEM service
Available both for cross-border workers and residents. As part of this service, we can come to your place of work for no extra cost.
Most of our nurses are fluent in French, English and German and will be able to respond to all your queries about samples and relevant administrative details.