A prescription for analyses is valid for reimbursement by the CNS for 2 months, unless a date not exceeding 6 months has been specified by the prescribing physician.
Renewable prescriptions are valid for 6 months from the date of prescription.
Most analyses can be carried out without an appointment. Waiting times vary according to your time of arrival and the number of people waiting before you.
There are two exceptions :
for a spermiology examination contact us on 27 321 260 or pma@bionext.lu
for a Quick-PCR test, please make an appointment
If you are worried about your health or are experiencing symptoms, and you would like to be screened, our medical team will guide you in the choice of relevant tests and provide advice and assistance in interpreting the results.
Some tests are frequently performed without a medical prescription:
pregnancy test: beta HCG assay
screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): HIV serology, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, direct PCR tests for Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Gonococcus
diabetes screening: blood sugar
Examinations without a medical prescription are not refundable, however we apply the official CNS rates.
For example: 18.84€ for HIV screening (20€ in supermarkets, 30€ in pharmacies)
"We do take biological samples during the opening hours of our centres.
Emergencies are handled at home (tel: 27 321) and in Leudelange (2-4 rue du Château d'Eau L-3364 Leudelange) until 6pm.
However, it is necessary to respect certain recommendations:
Being on an empty stomach for a good technical execution of certain biological examinations.
A time slot, for certain examinations, which should be specified on the prescription."
If your nearest centre is closed, we provide emergency services at home (tel: 27 321) and in Leudelange (2-4 rue du Château d'Eau L-3364 Leudelange) until 6pm.
In an emergency context, all examinations are carried out regardless of the state of fasting.
The most helpful way to prepare your child for a blood test is to inform them. Use simple words to explain how a blood test works. It is very important to explain to your child what is going to happen, that the blood test will only last a few moments, and that he or she should remain calm and not move during this short time.
Anaesthetic creams and patches are very effective. They are reimbursed by the CNS if prescribed by your doctor. Do not hesitate to pass by 1h30 before the blood test so that a nurse can apply the patch or cream to your child. After one hour, remove the cream; a local redness or paleness may appear. These reactions are harmless and disappear quickly.
The blood test will be carried out 15 to 30 minutes after the removal of the cream in order to see the vein.
Every nurse has their own 'tricks' to put your child at ease, such as miming the gesture on a doll or teddy bear, singing, entertaining or making them laugh...
As parents, you can also help to reassure or distract your child in a number of ways:
Ask them to check that you are not making a mistake when counting.
Touching, holding hands.
Talking to them, listening to them and encouraging them.
How to prepare for your visit
How to prepare for your visit
Useful information
Which documents do I need to bring in order to be covered by the CNS?
Please have the following documents ready for your pick-up:
For certain analyses, other documents are also necessary:
How long is a prescription valid for?
A prescription for analyses is valid for reimbursement by the CNS for 2 months, unless a date not exceeding 6 months has been specified by the prescribing physician.
Renewable prescriptions are valid for 6 months from the date of prescription.
Do I need to make an appointment to visit your centres?
Most analyses can be carried out without an appointment. Waiting times vary according to your time of arrival and the number of people waiting before you.
There are two exceptions :
for a spermiology examination contact us on 27 321 260 or pma@bionext.lu
for a Quick-PCR test, please make an appointment
Do you carry out analyses without a prescription?
If you are worried about your health or are experiencing symptoms, and you would like to be screened, our medical team will guide you in the choice of relevant tests and provide advice and assistance in interpreting the results.
Some tests are frequently performed without a medical prescription:
Examinations without a medical prescription are not refundable, however we apply the official CNS rates.
For example: 18.84€ for HIV screening (20€ in supermarkets, 30€ in pharmacies)
Do you take biological samples in the afternoon?
"We do take biological samples during the opening hours of our centres.
Emergencies are handled at home (tel: 27 321) and in Leudelange (2-4 rue du Château d'Eau L-3364 Leudelange) until 6pm.
However, it is necessary to respect certain recommendations:
Being on an empty stomach for a good technical execution of certain biological examinations.
A time slot, for certain examinations, which should be specified on the prescription."
I need to carry out an urgent check-up, what should I do?
If your nearest centre is closed, we provide emergency services at home (tel: 27 321) and in Leudelange (2-4 rue du Château d'Eau L-3364 Leudelange) until 6pm.
In an emergency context, all examinations are carried out regardless of the state of fasting.
Do you have to be fasting?
Is it necessary to stop eating before a blood test?
Strict fasting means not having eaten or drunk any sweet or milky drink for at least 8 hours.
However, you can drink water, tea or coffee (without sugar or milk).
Some test values may be affected if you are not fasting at the time of the blood collection (non exhaustive list):
If you do not need to be on an empty stomach, you can eat a light breakfast, avoiding fats.
The children's sample
How to prepare for your child's blood test?
In our centres, children are handled by dedicated and specially trained staff.
Children are real 'emotional sponges'. Be relaxed, don't stress them out, reassure them.
Explaining the blood test to your child
The most helpful way to prepare your child for a blood test is to inform them. Use simple words to explain how a blood test works. It is very important to explain to your child what is going to happen, that the blood test will only last a few moments, and that he or she should remain calm and not move during this short time.
Use of the EMLA patch
Anaesthetic creams and patches are very effective. They are reimbursed by the CNS if prescribed by your doctor. Do not hesitate to pass by 1h30 before the blood test so that a nurse can apply the patch or cream to your child. After one hour, remove the cream; a local redness or paleness may appear. These reactions are harmless and disappear quickly.
The blood test will be carried out 15 to 30 minutes after the removal of the cream in order to see the vein.
While taking the blood sample
Every nurse has their own 'tricks' to put your child at ease, such as miming the gesture on a doll or teddy bear, singing, entertaining or making them laugh...
As parents, you can also help to reassure or distract your child in a number of ways: