Improve the physical and mental health of your employees
Safe@WORK is a preventive health programme for companies that want to improve the physical and mental health of their employees;
Safe@WORK is a preventive health programme for companies that want to improve the well-being of their employees.
Based on a preventive medicine biological check-up service and a mental well-being assessment tool that follow the most recent scientific recommendations.
These personalised approaches combine objective and scientific data to ensure the early detection of chronic pathologies.
Through a smartphone companion app, employees interact and receive alerts, advice and training to effectively adapt their lifestyle.
The company has access to dynamic, anonymised dashboards for fine-tuning its ambitions and taking preventive corrective action.
Safe@WORK , a program :
- Preventive: Prevention of health risks with scientifically validated assessments, questionnaires, tests and interpretations.
- Personalised: A programme based on objective data from each employee and individualised advice.
- Participative: Simple regular measurements and dashboards for a tailor-made management.
- Efficient: A valorization of the human capital of the company with a controlled investment.

The B-neXt CARE preventive medicine platform synthesizes the latest advances in personalized medical biology and aims to detect at an early-stage risky behaviours or lifestyles that could lead more or less quickly to the occurrence of future chronic diseases (mainly cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes).
B-neXt CARE uses artificial intelligence to integrate the latest medical knowledge into the interpretation of your test results.
As a laboratory of medical analysis, this programme is based on biological check-ups, adapted according to age and gender, accompanied by a smartphone application allowing the user to provide certain personal information useful for calculating a physical score (physiological health condition) and a psychological score. Connected objects with information on vital signs are also managed by the platform.
Based on these scores, the application will offer personalized recommendations and lifestyle coaching to the user with the aim of maintaining or improving the individual score.