Predictive, Preventive, Participative, Personalised

The B-neXt CARE preventive medicine platform synthesizes the latest advances in personalized medical biology and aims to detect at an early-stage risky behaviours or lifestyles that could lead more or less quickly to the occurrence of future chronic diseases (mainly cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes).
Prevention has many different facets
Staying healthy and avoiding illness.
Detecting or treating an illness before symptoms appear.
Reducing the negative effects of illness.

B-neXt CARE app functions
The BNEXTCARE mobile app uses a reasoning engine that exploits artificial intelligence to integrate the latest medical knowledge into the interpretation of your test results and to take into account the evolution of your biometric values on a daily basis.
Thanks to the information you have entered in the application and the integration of connected health devices, the reasoning engine will be able to:
Monitor and interpret your vital signs, including those from connected objects
Provide personalised recommendations
Communicate an individual and corporate Well Being Scoring whose evolution will be linked to the advised recommendations
Propose awareness campaigns and personalised coaching
The B-neXt CARE app is a module belonging to the myLAB ecosystem and uses the same log-in parameters.
The “B-neXt CARE” app can be downloaded onto IOS- and Android-compatible devices.