In partnership with the Luxembourg Red Cross, BIONEXT is participating in European Testing Week, a joint initiative aimed at promoting prevention and facilitating access to free screening for all Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) which will take place throughout the Europe from May 20 to 27, 2024.
Faced with the increase in the prevalence of STIs, frequently responsible for co-infections and sometimes severe complications, the objective of our approach is to improve the already existing offer in order to allow screening as early as possible, a condition of effective treatment and a reduction in contamination in the event of infection, by combining proximity and a simplified approach.
What are the terms of this screening week?
To get tested, you can go to one of our 80 laboratories or opt for the LABOMOBILE service.
Practical, simple and effective!
What screening tests are offered by BIONEXT and La Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise ?
Great occasion, Great means
Equipped with our respective mobile centers, the DIMPS of the Luxembourg Red Cross and the LABOMOBILE of BIONEXT will be present on the University Campus of Esch-Belval and Limpertsberg to meet students for a coordinated prevention action: come and get information and get tested . Envoyer des commentaires Panneaux latéraux Résultats de traduction disponibles
Mobile service timetables
Where to get your results?
The results will be available in the secure MYLAB application.
Can we trust self-tests?
Access to tests using cutting-edge techniques allows for more sensitive and specific screening than over-the-counter self-tests which suffer from performance defects.
More information: Autotest.lu
In the event of positivity, medical support is systematically offered, unlike self-tests for which the patient is alone with the result. Screening tests for sexually transmitted infections can be done all year round, in all our collection centers with or without a prescription.
BIONEXT’s ambition
As an illustration, France, which has offered HIV screening since 2019, voted in September 2022 to extend free testing to all STIs for those under 26. An essential measure also in Luxembourg given the increase in the number of contaminations observed in recent years (+23.7% in the number of Chlamydia trachomatis STI cases between 2021 and 2022) and the sometimes severe complications of these pathologies (infertility , ectopic pregnancy, …).
Luxembourg should therefore be able to offer screening all year round, without a prescription and free of charge in all medical analysis laboratories in the country, similar to what is already offered in other European countries.