Fertility department

The purpose of spermiology analyzes is to study male fertility.

In men, the key examination is the spermogram, because it makes it possible to evaluate the number and quality of spermatozoa in order to determine whether medically assisted procreation (MAP) is possible.


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Fertility department


Autoimmune diseases result from a disruption of the immune system that leads to the production of lymphocytes and antibodies against its own components.

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3d render of human anatomy, the thoracic diaphragm, or simply the diaphragm is a sheet of internal skeletal

Haematology & Bacteriology

Performing analyzes in microbiology, hematology and in the field of hemostasis.

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woman looking at tube

Chemistry & Serology

Clinical biochemistry involves the analysis of a large number of blood or urine components

Hormonology is a branch of clinical biochemistry that deals with hormonal physiology and endocrine conditions.

Diagnostic serology is the discipline that identifies antibodies specific to a disease.


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medical test tubes with blood on the desk in the laboratory

Molecular biology

Molecular biology brings together all the techniques that allow the analysis of DNA and RNA, supports of the genetic message.

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