MYLAB, direct and secure access to the key elements of your patients' analyses and much more...
A multi-support solution
More than a results server, MYLAB is a scalable interface for communication between healthcare professionals and patients accessible from our website or via an iOS and Android smartphone application.
Simple and complete access to your patients' results
Everything has been designed to make our interface simple and ergonomic. You have direct access to your patients' latest results in real time, with automatic highlighting of disturbed or unread results.
In addition to having access to your patient's history, you can compare up to 4 analyses in the form of a graph and/or in the form of a chronological cumulative table.
A demonstration of the MYLAB tool can be organised on request to our "Partner Relations" department

Features of the MYLAB module integrated into the medical practice software
1. Module integrated in all medical practice software
- Multi-criteria search by surname, first name, date of birth and CNS number
- Automatic creation of the patient in MYLAB from the medical practice software
2. Electronic prescribing
- Prescription by customizable profiles
- Management of office mode and secretary mode
- Real-time display of 600 nomenclature rules (non-cumulative procedures, HN procedures, prior agreements, reasons for analysis, patient consent) and the remaining cost to the patient, including the mutual insurance part (complementary health)
- Automatic completion of complementary forms (CNS and patient consent)
- Archiving of the prescription in the medical practice software
- Transmission to the DSP
- Compatibility with the Agence eSanté's national project
3. Make an appointment for the collection of your patients with the PICKEN DOHEEM mobile service
- At the address and time of the patient's choice
- Services at no additional cost
4. Results server
- Real-time display (partial, complete, disturbed, urgent, history, inter-analysis comparison, cumulative table)
- Structured results in pdf format that can be integrated into the medical practice software
- Transmission to the DSP
5. Notifications
- Customizable alerts on disrupted results
- Push notification on the smartphone
- Notification in the medical practice software
- Notification of equipment failures and delays in the delivery of analyses
6. Catalogue of tests
- Dictionary of tests and synonyms (sampling and reimbursement conditions)
- HN tariffs
- Pathophysiological variations
7. Appointment for a medical consultation
- Via Doctena
- From the medical directory
8. Map of BIONEXT sampling centres
- Opening hours, geolocation, map and access route
- PMR access, paediatrics, parking and fertility
9. Videos
- MYLAB Online Tutorials
- Continuing education
- Scientific communication in the form of thematic streaming videos
10. Download
- Consent form, NHA prior agreement form, model order form
- Material order form
- Scientific newsletters written by the laboratory's team of medical biologists